Monday, January 12, 2009

Blast From the Past

Oh my... On Friday night I went to my favorite ice cream place called Rizutos. (its my favorite because its cheap) anyways I got this popsicle I use to get when I was like 6. I probably just ate it beacuse i loved tweety bird (what girl didn't?!?) anyways i just wanted to share it becuase i loved it that much. Thinking back i probably just ate it because it had gum balls on it. haha!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Trans-Siberian Orchestra!!! My wonderful friend Chris texted me while I was driving home from Arizona with my family, and he asked me if I wanted to go and told him I would love to but I have no money to go, maybe we would go another time, and then I got a text message from him that said its free for you. He is so sweet he paid for my ticket and we went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra Together. He is a great friend, (and no its not just because he takes me to see wicked awesome bands). He is one of those people you can just talk to no matter how late it is, no matter how lame it may sound, and he is one of the most selfless people i've ever met. And I am proud to call him my friend.
We were sooo close to the stage!!

Chris and I


Well a lot has happened that is new... there would be too many words, and who likes reading about someones life...why not just see it? so here is just pieces of what i've been up to recently
My Cousin Mathew
Is it illegal to make ginger bread houses the day before thanksgiving?
My cousin Maygan
More In-N-Out heaven
Meeting Cousins I've never met before, at Thanksgiving
Notice the inside out pajama bottoms...(working on getting a snow day)
Roasting AirHeads on a cold winters night
Getting Grandma to eat smores with me :)
I guess once you become an adult people give you flowers?
Me turning 18! with Joyana!
My cousin Mikee and I eating cookies
Chillin with Steve
Cutting Steve's Hair
Roasting mallows with my friends
Decorating cookies with Grandma
Making snow angels
being with sarah
DECA districts with michelle
Playing at Toys R Us

Beth and I eating at Senior Service day
Me cutting Chris's hair
Michael, Neil,Chris, Lauren and I at the Zoo