Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Girls Camp 2008 Ugotawana Highlights

This year girls camp was WONDERFUL!! I have never ever had a bad year, but this year was so fantastic! I FINALLY got to be a YCL (Youth Camp Leader) with Beth, Tori, and Amanda (wonderful girls). We had so much fun!! We all put a lot of time into it too, we all had to name our "tribe" (that is our tent) and we had to prepare 3 devotionals, decorate the tent, stuff like that. It was so much fun getting all that together though, we were all so excited to get to know our girls too... I really couldn't wait. The first day was just YCL's...that is an experience never to forget, from 4 teenage girls walking into a donut store, trying to set up tents, playing big booty, and
"Rob Rob" (Robin) telling us about Sally Joe. From the first day i knew camp was going to be fantastic.

So Day 2 (Tuesday) YCL's wake up and wait for girls to get to the camp. It felt like 100 years before they finally came, but when they did we were screaming, jumping up and down like we have not seen each other in 80 years. So we get all the girls in a circle, we do a skit that we made up off the top of our head ( like we do with everything else) then my favorite part of the day, taking our tent assignments. So we all ready knew who we had, so each tribe had a color (mine was orange of course) and earlier that day Rob Rob gave us paint, so everyone was in a circle and each YCL had her tribes paint color, and we each found our girls and put our color paint on their faces then they knew who was in their tent, and the YCL's had face paint on too. So we all had our tribes and we did an amazing team building activity that day.

Day 3 (Wednesday) POLAR BEAR DIP!! GET UP IF YOU WANT TO DO THE POLAR BEAR DIP!! Come on Dani lets go! That is what I woke up to on Wednesday. I was so warm in my sleeping bag, so i was like no way am i getting out of this warmness... next thing i know i am jumping into the lake with Kailai. It was very cold, I just jumped in with her, and that is the best method I have found to waking up. haha. Then was the 5 mile hike, it was so fun and so pretty! Liz talked to us, about dancing and what she has learned in her life, and it was so beautiful. Then that night we had a spectacular Emma Smith play i guess you could call it. It was so beautiful!! The music, everything was so amazing i can't even describe it. Liz danced a ballet and it was so graceful and pretty, I loved every minute of it. After we had fun... well the YCL's did. SNIPE HUNT!! haha!!! I laugh just thinking about it!! It really was probably the best snipe hunt in girls camp history. So us YCL's said hey we should go on a snipe hunt, and the first years and a few other year girls were like yea!! So on Tuesday leaders and everyone was buzzing about the snipe hunt, like "oh it is scary, you better bring a pillow case so you can catch them" Rob Rob told them that snipes are worth big bucks if you find them. We all told girls that snipes eyes are red... So after the Emma Smith production we get a group of girls who wanted to go. I brought my pillow case, and so did beth. Meanwhile we had Mandy go into the woods and copy our fake snipe call, throw stuff, break branches that kind of thing. So we all go on our little quest, none of the girls knew that i had a flash light from Robin that had 2 red blinky sides. So we all go, i have the flashlight, Tori, Beth, and I are all yelling "RIKKAIYA" I guess thats how it sounded, ask me sometime and I will tell you. So Tori and I are in the front, Beth is in the back, next thing i know my little sister comes up to me and tells me that a few of the girls are crying. So we all stop tell the girls its going to be ok because we have done it before. So we keep on going, and Tori and I know its time to catch a snipe so she does this like ninja roll and I just kinda belly flopped, and clicked the flash light again so now there were red blinky "eyes" and its in my pillow case. So i am shaking it around, tori picks up a rock, and we are like "ah!! Keep it still!" I then yell "IT BIT ME!" (earlier that day i cut my finger while trying to chop fruit) well i did let the snipe go, just in case you were wondering, tori's rock was the run away snipe. It took lots to convince the girls there is no such thing as snipes. There is more to the story but it will take way too long to type, so I guess if you really want to know ask me about snipe catching : part 2

Day 4 (Thursday) I don't really remember much except for the water ballet. That was funny!!!!!!! The YCL's totally made it up as we went along, and actually it was pretty good for being made up on the spot if I may say so my self. Its probably because we have all been to stake dances together and thats how we all dance together I guess. Well minus the part of me tripping over a rock and falling in the lake. That was a total Dani move right there. It was like a second Polar Bear Plunge but at sunset.

Day 5 (Friday) Last day, we pretty much did another Polar bear Plunge and took everything down and went home. That Polar Plunge was much better, there were like 5 people at that one. haha, no just kidding I don't remember how many people there were. But going home, well that was interesting, with me making my um... usual Dani-Car reaction? I am sure you really don't want to know about it.

So I realized i didn't talk about the Leaders...THEY WERE WONDERFUL!! I love them so much!! They made camp fantastic! They had wonderful ideas, and were always there for us when we needed it. I am so incredibly glad I got to know them, Robin, Joyana, Sister Harvey, Jen, and more. I feel just so blessed to know these ladys, and I am so glad I got so spend a week with them at camp. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DID! I LOVE YOU LADIES!

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